Research and innovation for sustainable material use
About RE:Source
RE:Source is a strategic innovation program that finances projects within the sustainable material field. The program started in 2016 and has financed and supported almost 300 projects.
Project database
Learn more about our projects in the project database, where we gather almost 300 projects, funded by RE:Source.

Sweden's economy is 3,4 % circular
For the first time, a survey has been made of how circular Sweden’s economy is. The Circularity Gap Report Sweden is an in-depth analysis of how Sweden consumes materials, from food and consumer goods to housing and mobility. The report shows that Sweden’s economy is largely linear. The analysis has been carried out by RISE and Circle Economy on behalf of the strategic innovation program RE: Source.

The innovation agenda for sustainable resource use
The RE:Agenda lays out Sweden’s need for research and innovation within the area of sustainable resource use. It describes how knowledge building and new solutions can be achieved.