RECINA - Reuce of composite parts in infrastructure
The RECINA project focus on the development of “circular economy based FRP bridges design”, where decommissioned FRP parts are reused as base production material. This idea has the potential to address both the issue of sustainability in dealing with Glass FRP (GFRP) waste handling, and also of decreasing investment cost for FRP bridges.Specifically, the aim is to re-use GFRP insulator otherwise aiming for landfill into bridge applications. These GFRP parts will be used as construction elements in the concepts design of FRP bridge decks. A demonstrator will be manufactured to validate the feasibility. At a larger scale, the project aims to create the conditions for economically profitable recycling of end-of-life GFRP composites.The involved disciplines in the project include marine (Marström Composite), automotive (Composite Design), infrastructure (Eventhotell) and energy (ABB). RISE SICOMP and Chalmers will participate with FRP and civil engineering research expertise.

Alann André
project manager, RISE