Increased resource-efficient use of secondary raw materials in constructions
The purpose of the project is to overcome obstacles and enable enhanced use of secondary, recycled raw materials for construction work and construction outside landfills, without risking leaving environmental problems to future generations. To achieve this, crucial issues regarding regulations, quality assurance, the environment, work environment and logistics are raised and highlighted, rather than - as has previously been the focus - technical suitability. In addition, the user's perspective rather than the waste producer's should be in focus. The results from the project will be generally applicable, but the focus will be on two large material flows that can serve as prototypes for a circular handling of secondary raw materials: slag gravel / ash and crushed concrete. The need and possibilities of creating an openly accessible information service that enables increased use of secondary raw materials and by-products in general will also be investigated.
Ökad användning av sekundära material
Bilaga till slutrapport:
Bilaga 6: Vem tar risken? Delrapport Energiforsk
Bilaga till slutrapport:
Bilaga 1: Påverkansfaktorer
Bilaga till slutrapport:
Bilaga 2: Kartläggning av internationella erfarenheter
Bilaga till slutrapport:
Bilaga 3: Kritisk granskning av faktorer som påverkar återvinning av sekundära material
Bilaga till slutrapport:
Bilaga 4 Hinder och påverkans faktorer - aktörernas syn
Bilaga till slutrapport:
Bilaga 5: Intressentworkshop
Bilaga till slutrapport:
Bilaga 7: informationstjänst