New possibilities for reducing deposited gypsum waste from building and refurbishment projects
Plasterboard is a common building material and is found in many different parts of a building. At demolition sites and in renovation projects, a large amount of demolition waste of this material therefore arises. During the production of new buildings a large amount of construction consisting of clean, unused plasterboard arises. A smaller amount of the construction and demolition waste is recycled while the main proportion ends up in landfill. The goal of the project is that this waste to landfill will be reduced.The project aims to develop innovative solutions that have the potential to increase the recycling of plasterboard. The study covers the whole construction and demolition chain and includes quality procedures, collection logistics and handling of excess, clean plasterboard. In the study, the reasons for plasterboard not being recycled to a greater extent will be identified and the potential of the proposed solutions is explored through interviews and case studies.

Pernilla Johansson
project manager, RISE