Reduced waste in new constructions - conditions for a procurement tool

Sustainable Development Skane applies for funding for a pre project that aims to investigate the prerequisites to develop a tool that is to be used in procurement to reduce waste when new houses are built. During the pre project we will investigate which parameters that are important for a dynamic and efficient tool that is also possible to follow up. The aim is that the tool will be able to adapt to what is seen as important to focus on in the procurement process, for example climate impact or toxic substances in waste. A group of experts with participants from different sectors will be working in the project. This group has an understanding of what will work for the construction sector, the public sector that are involved in the procurement process and not at least how to create a tool that will consider environmental impact from waste and how to reduce that impact by requirements posed in the procurement process.

Built environment Procurement

Project manager
Helena Thelander
Hållbar Utveckling Skåne
Project time
2017-06-15 to 2018-02-28
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