Incentives for recycled material
The market for recycled materials is now limited and needs to be stimulated. INÅMAT evaluates the effects of a possible new distinction in the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) in which raw materials can be classified as primary fossil raw materials (oil), recycled fossil raw materials (plastic waste, carbon black) or bio-based raw materials (wood chips). The idea is that recycled fossil raw materials should be rewarded in proportion to primary fossil materials (bio-based raw materials will continue to be exempted).Based on a current state analysis, the effects of reliefs of the EU ETS in three Swedish case studies will be analyzed and the following questions will be answered:• How will the use of primary fossil and bio-based raw materials be affected?• How will the total fossil carbon dioxide emissions and energy consumption be affected?• Will the change favor energy recovery over material recycling?• What standard of proof should be required?Other policy instrument
Incitament för återvinning
Incitament för återvinning av material
Incentive for recycling material
Marianne Gyllenhammar
project manager, Stena Recycling