Cement production process optimized for sustainable use of resources

The overall aim of this research project is to enable the cement, construction and mining industries to more sustainably use resources including raw materials and existing infrastructure to contribute to a sustainable economy. The project aims to develop a modified clinker technology based on the extensive use of alternative raw materials to achieve the carbon neutral production target. The alternative raw materials will include industrial waste, side streams and selected natural resources, which have not yet been used in the production of Portland cement. The clinkering process will be optimized for these material mixes. The project will also include a limited study of concrete based on the produced cements to assess their sustainability and identify possible risks and limitations.

Built environment

Project manager
Andrzej Cwirzen
Luleå tekniska universitet
Project time
2023-09-01 to 2026-08-31
Bild för artikel Cementproduktionsprocessen optimerad för hållbar resursanvändning


Andrzej Marek Cwirzen

project manager, Luleå Tekniska Universitet