Recycling of polymers
The main objective of the project is to create a mechanism for fostering innovations that enable circular flows of plastic material. A wide variety of polymer products cannot be recycled mechanically due to their complex structure or impurity level. The platform to be established within this project aims to enable circular material flows of polymer-based products by breaking them down into building blocks, so-called feedstock recycling. To realize this, a national cooperation involving all players required to create a circular flow will be initiated. These players represent research institutions, technology providers, material end users, and authorities. Powered by this gathered competence (i) the available methods and equipment will be mapped and systemized, (ii) a methodology to simplify the selection of recycling methods will be drafted, (iii) the feedstock recycling market will be evaluated, and (iv) a business model for the continuation of the platform will be designed.
Presentation resultat
Återvinning av polymerer
Tobias Richards
project manager, Högskolan i Borås