Open call 2022
Do you have an idea with the potential to contribute to more sustainable resource use and a more circular economy? Now it is possible to apply for up to SEK 8 million in project support for projects that develop and demonstrate solutions for sustainable resource use.
— ATTENTION! This call has closed and it is no longer possible to apply. —
The call is aimed at projects that want to develop economically viable solutions that contribute to more sustainable resource use and a more circular economy. By resources we mean physical resources such as materials, components, products, buildings, infrastructure, food and more.
Complex challenges require a wide variety of solutions. We therefore welcome a wide range of projects from several industries, different types of constellations and different types of solutions. For the project to be considered within the scope of the call for proposals, the project application must clearly describe how the results are expected to contribute to more sustainable resource use and a more circular economy. The application must also describe the financial potential of the project results and when in time the positive effects of the project are expected to occur.
All types of applied research and innovation projects and demonstration projects are welcomed. Feasibility studies, i.e. evaluation and analysis of potential for an intended project, can also receive support.
In total, the call covers approximately SEK 45 million. Full information about the call for proposals and how to apply can be found at Swedens Energy Agency.
- Application deadline is March 14, 2022.
- Decisions on which projects are granted support are planned for June 2022.
- The project can start in August 2022 at the earliest.
Who can apply?
All organizations that can contribute to more sustainable resource use and a more circular economy can apply. For example:
- Companies such as industrial companies, suppliers of technology and services
- Research Institutes
- Universities and colleges’ social sciences, humanities, technical and natural sciences disciplines
- Public sector or other organisations.
We particularly encourage project constellations in which the needs owner/s are included.
We provide support until 16:00 on the same day that the call for proposals closes.
For questions about the program and the call:
För frågor om ansöknings- och bedömningsprocessen: