Biochar - from organic waste to resource for utilization of soil

The aim is to develop a remediation technique with biochar to stabilize contaminated soil and increase soil quality to reduce waste and environmental risks. Due to absence of in-situ remediation techniques, expensive “dig-and-dump” treatments are used, leading to removal and landfilling of large volumes of soil. Biochar can sorb contaminants, reduce the risks and at the same time increase soil fertility. We will examine different biochars and mixtures with soil in lab- and field tests to determine environmental risks and biological effects, using new indicators such as microbial genomics. We will investigate the conditions for biochar production from organic waste, the ability to apply the biochar technique in urban environments and quantify the environmental impact of different system alternatives in a life-cycle perspective. The project will lead to a more sustainable soil management, resource efficient waste management, great socioeconomic savings and several environmental benefits.

Project manager
Anja Enell
Statens geotekniska institut SGI
Project time
2018-06-15 to 2020-09-15
Bild för artikel Biokol – från organiskt avfall till resurs för nyttiggörande av jordavfall